so today, i've spent my entire morning watching buffy the vampire slayer. i am a very accomplished young lady. ha, right. i feel like maybe i should give an update on my life. one of my very good friends, let's call her lucy, just fell out and started having seizures the other day. very scary at the time. she's still having seizures. it's not funny that she's having them, but if you watch her while she's having them, it's quite amusing. now before you go and start thinking i'm some horrible person, they only last a few seconds and then she's fine. she kicks her leg like a dog. so funny. i bought her flowers and a singing taylor swift card(we share a ♥ for taylor swift) so i think it makes up for me laughing at her. anyways senior year is almost over. 3 and a half months and i am free! well until i have to start college in the fall. yes, my parents are still annoying, and yes, my life is still amazingly boring. prom is in 10 weeks, and i have no date. i feel like i will make a total fool out of myself in these next few weeks trying to find one. but hey, maybe someone will get a good laugh out of it. i got my wisdom teeth cut out almost two weeks ago, and my mouth still hurts. it was a really bad experience. one thing i learned is that my mouth is a retard and doesn't want to get numb. oh and those numbing shots hurt! i had to live off of jello for about 5 days. it was an FML kinda week. well i have work later. yep, still working at the good ole dollar store. unfortunately. maybe some creepy old man will hit on me tonight. that will probably be the highlight of my day. guess i'll go take a nap now.